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Project World Peace (PWP) Mission PWP is created to help the world. It addresses many big issues of today. It is an ongoing work and provides information, quotes, resources and personal explorations of these lifestyles. It is a sincere effort to bring peace, love and solar culture to this world. Will you choose this Path? PWP is centred around Natural Family Living: natural approaches to pregnancy, birth, bonding, parenting (attachment parenting), education (lifelong autonomous learning including home education), extended family, community, culture and spirituality. This synergy of approaches enables us to 'Cut the Gordian Knot'. The knot is the complicated frantic dangerous modern world we live in. We can save the world! ![]() Overview Some of the main pages of Project World Peace are:-
![]() News Sources Used by PWP For many years, I have used the BBC a lot as it has no adverts. But due to their newly-appointed Director General (appointed June, started September 2020), and their probable new Chair (a major Conservative party donor), they seem to have become like most of the ‘free media’ = propaganda mouthpieces for the billionaire oligarchs and their puppets, the Government. Like most of the mainstream press, the BBC too are being constrained so as to subtly brainwash the people. An example of this is how the existential Climate and Ecological Emergency, regarded as a fact by up to 99% of scientists, is "complicated", falsely balanced, downplayed and even regarded as opinion. As Greta Thunberg says (10 September 2020), if we are to have a small chance, this issue needs to dominate the news. Also see here, here, here. For now, I sometimes use the BBC - as no adverts - but beware its (relatively) new right wing status. Also see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here. The only mainstream UK newspaper I tolerate is The Guardian, but it has adverts (yet not as invasive as some websites). I am using it as my major source of news. I only 'tolerate' it as it seems to be under the control of the terrible HSBC - and so we have greenwashing, removing articles, etc. Also see here, here, here, here, here. Non-mainstream, I use AlterNet, Byline Times, CounterPunch, Daily Kos, Declassified UK, Double Down News, New Internationalist, New Statesman, openDemocracy, Prospect, Real Media, Scheerpost, The Canary, The Conversation, The Intercept, Truthout. Political View of PWP For me it is not so much about politics. It is not so much about socialism vs. capitalism. It is about moral failure. "…it shouldn’t be about left or
right. It’s about right and wrong."
(Carole Cadwalladr, The Guardian, posted and accessed 5 February 2023) It is about Love. "This will be a better world when the power of love replaces the love of power." (Old saying)
If you look at the life of Jesus Christ - as an example of the Path of Love - it just so happens his life story resembled:-
Other Issues PWP, contrary to popular opinion, asserts that God exists. This is knowledge, not belief. PWP has a pro-Nature stance. PWP asserts Barry Commoner’s Third Law of Ecology = Nature knows best. Humankind has fashioned technology to improve upon nature, but such change in a natural system is likely to be detrimental to that system. PWP receives no gifts or donations or funding from companies or individuals. PWP's articles/webpages are often improved/updated. You can see when the page was last updated at the very bottom of each page. PWP aims to minimise criticising and condemning what has happened or is happening. Rather it tries to: assess the situation, discuss what exists, and offers preferable or interesting alternatives or complements. PWP uses old website design technology. It is tested on a Chrome browser and Windows. It is not mobile phone friendly. PWP looked at using up-to-date tech, but the steep learning curve and especially the even steeper expert fees involved are beyond it. Your courteous feedback is welcome and - if you give permission - may be published on the Project World Peace website. Please inform me of any broken links. Please note that, dependent on how your email program is configured, the Contact Bruce hyperlink may not work for you. If this is the case, please use the following, where the @ symbol is substituted for '[at]': bruce[at]projectworldpeace.com If
this website
helps you, give thanks and go help all creatures!
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