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Photo Credits:-

(Couleur, Pixabay)

(Prawny, Morguefile)

Mountain Dog
(danfador, Pixabay)

A parrot on a branch, orange underbody, blue upper body, stretches out a wing, seems to smile Animal Nobility

This page is dedicated to the nobility of animals.


The difference between humans and animals? Animals would never allow the dumbest ones to lead the pack. (Seen on the internet, e.g. here)

And it is with deep shame that we have to admit that the animals of this world help to raise the consciousness by the beauty of their outbreaths. And often have to clean up our dingy outbreaths. (Lilla BekThe Christ within Us, track #1, 8m14s; excerpt)

We search for life on other planets and in other regions of our galaxy. Meanwhile we destroy and ignore the other life on this planet.
(Anthony Douglas Williams, Inside the Divine Pattern)


You do not know how to live in that state of wonderment, expansion, lightness and love which gives wings. Birds know that in order to fly they must spread their wings. So how is it that birds have found this secret out and yet humans are still living narrow and sluggish lives, and virtually burying themselves, every day? It must be that they are not as intelligent as birds! If you say ‘I feel peculiar, I have no taste for anything anymore’, it is simply that you do not know how to spread your wings. ‘Oh, but I have doctorates from several universities!’ So you may have, but your wings are still folded. Or else someone has clipped them for you – that can also happen, and perhaps you have allowed this to happen inwardly. If you want to be able to fly each day, learn to nourish within you the thoughts and feelings that will give you wings. (O.M. Aïvanhov)

Human beings live artificially and hypocritically and would do well to study the dog.
(Diogenes of Sinope, 360 BCE)

We are viewing a dog atop a mountain summit, above the clouds, looking over a spectacular mountain scene

For centuries, we’ve seen functional ecosystems as frightening and evil. Gnarled ancient woodland, wolves, snakes, spiders, sharks – all of which are crucial components of healthy ecologies – have been demonised. We need a new folklore, that celebrates unmanaged nature.
We might begin by changing the way we talk about wildlife. If we want to cast people in a bad light, we sometimes call them vultures, jackals, toads or worms, all of which are fascinating and crucial species.
We might portray capitalism or landlordism or other forces we don’t like as a giant octopus. But octopi are wonderful, and the big ones tend to be scarce and threatened.
In particular, we denigrate scavengers and detritivores: vultures, jackals, maggots, flies, slime, scum. But where would we be without them? Knee-deep in carrion and shit. It might seem a strange thought, but we could do the living world a favour by devising new insults.
(George Monbiot, 3 April 2022 tweets)

Also see:-


Animal, Human and Angel

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Page last updated: 4 April 2022.