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Photo Credits:-

Blue Mandala
(pavlina0001, Pixabay)

Butterfly Haven Castle (Bruce Mitchell)

Sorcerer's Cave
(Bruce Mitchell)

(Bruce Mitchell)

Blue MandalaBruce Mitchell Biography

Bruce is Lover, Mystic, Father,
Spiritual Website Creator.
He has also been Videographer, Healer, Guesthouse Manager.
He has no speciality. He aims to care for and illuminate all things in the Web of Life.

Health & Healing
  • Flower Essence Practitioner Certificate with FES (Flower Essence Society).
  • Diploma in Reflexology with Chris Stormer.
  • Diploma in Indian Head Massage with Nandini.
  • Aromatherapy Bodywork Certificate with Shirley Price Aromatherapy.
  • Qualifications also in: Shiatsu; G-Jo Acupressure; Colour Therapy; Health & Nutritional Science; Basic Anatomy & Physiology; First Aid; Suicide Prevention; Divorce Mediation; NLP; Beauty Care & Personality.
  • Attended other healing courses like: Spiritual Healing, Esoteric Healing, Crystal Healing, Chinese Medicine, Metamorphic Technique, Bach Flower Remedies.
  • Vegan basically since 2017 (Vegetarian for most of my adult life; I sometimes use honeyUK bank noteswool, leather [but not my belts or wallet]; I may use non-vegan food for pets; I do kill micro-organisms on my skin or in the air daily [as we all do]; I try not to kill bigger bugs, but do sometimes [usually I leave them be or rescue them or warn them to leave]; I might eat insects or even meat in a dire survival situation).
Attachment Parenting
  • Two sacred sons raised in an Attachment Parenting lifestyle. 
  • Births of my Sons: Thanks to their sacred mother, they were both drug-free, home births. The second birth we deliberately chose an unassisted water birth. It was only her and me at the birth. I caught the sacred one underwater, so special!
  • Breastfeeding of my Sons: Thanks to the love of their mother, they received natural/"extended" breastfeeding, the elder till age 4½, the younger till age 3.
  • Welcoming Consciousness home study course by Dr Wendy McCarty.
  • Doula training with Sharon Ledbetter of The Birthing Family Center.
  • Workshops/Courses also done in: Breastfeeding Education; Attachment Parenting with CSPCC (Canadian Society for Prevention of Cruelty for Children). 
  • Very basic French & Spanish.
  • Diploma in Spanish (240 hours to Level 4) with Academia Andaluza.
  1. BSc (Hons) Open 2:1 and an associated BSc
  2. Diploma of Higher Education Open [like a Foundation Degree]. 
  3. Five Certificates: (1) Natural Sciences; (2) Contemporary Science; (3) Higher Education in Social Sciences; (4) Higher Education in Natural Sciences; (5) Higher Education Open
  4. 30 modules passed. 
  5. 395 credits at Level 1; 165 credits at Level 2; 120 credits at Level 3 (as one credit is 10 hours of learning, 120 credits is one year of full-time study, these 680 credits are nearly six years full-time study or 6800 hours of learning). Details here.
  • Travelled to 41 (of ±200) countries and 6 (of 7) continents. I haven't flown since 2015. Since 2020, I have only used land-based public transport (bus, train) - though in rare instances I might use a ferry (0 so far), a taxi (0 so far) or hire a vehicle (1 so far). I walk a lot.
  • PADI Advanced Open Water Scuba Diver.
  • 'Basic Survival Course' Certificate.
  • Vehicle training includes: Advanced Driving; Carjacking Prevention; Off-Road; Motorcycle Experienced Rider; Superbike School; Yacht Hand & Skipper; HGV.
  • Other adventures include: parachute and bungy jumps (not at the same time!), swimming with wild dolphins, Total Warrior, Horses as Teachers.
  • In 2022, I explored deeper into BDSM and kink with FetLife. Although God is my thing, I continue to educate myself. This is very relevant to my research on Animal, Human and Angel.
  • Martial Arts. Trained briefly in: Tai Chi, Karate (Kumi Sooku), Aikido (AFSA), Judo (Jimmy Delaney), Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Combat Submission Wrestling (Rick Young), Target Focus Training (Tim Larkin). 
  • Kettlebells. I love kettlebells and have worked with them for over 10 years. In 2011, I attended two basic kettlebell workshops with Mike Mahler. I love how they can be done at home with little equipment. Bodyweight exercises - which I also do regularly - are great for me too!
  • Yoga. I have practised yoga on and off for most of my adult life. Every day I do Surya Namaskar (Salute to the Sun).
  • Dance. Trained briefly in: Flamenco, Salsa, Ballroom & Latin, Middle Eastern, Scottish Country, Historical, Partner Work, Modern, Expression, Ceroc, Biodanza, 5Rhythms, Shamanic Trance Dance, Shakti Dance, Sufi Whirling, Circle Dancing, Eurhythmy, Paneurhythmy, Sacred Dance. Notable teachers include: Denise Stephani; Masha-Ël; Alex 'El Gato' (& here) & Laura Tiguerona (& here); Stellan. Completed the one year 'Curso Preliminario' of Alianza Flamenca (taught by Tina Delyannis, examined by Linda Vargas). Every day I dance passionately for Great Spirit, for Unity, for Joy, for Love!
  • Self-work with aim of serving Great Spirit. Daily work with physical body, emotions, mind and Spirit.
  • See 'Community Work'.
  • Assisted Magda Inglethorpe and Janine Sandler at their College of Esoteric Sciences in Johnannesburg (South Africa) from 1988-1991. This involved a disciplined lifestyle of yoga, pranayama, study of esoteric science and astrology.
  • Alongside Denise Stephani, created a Magical Castle and a Sorcerer's Cave in Cape Town. The project engineer said very few Cape builders could have achieved this. It was a 4-star self-catering guesthouse. It also ran kid's birthday parties and helped the disadvantaged. It featured on SABC's Free Spirit magazine TV show. Butterfly Haven Castle hyperlinks still exist 10 years after its 2007 closure. Read/see more here... 
Butterfly Haven Castle        Sorcerer's Cave
             Butterfly Haven Castle                                        Sorcerer's Cave          

The Sun is Bruce's role model and symbol of God-Goddess or Great Spirit.
Perhaps for you too?

He feels his purpose is to bring Light and Love to Earth.
Maybe you want to do this too?...


Also see:-

Community Work

Services & Products Offered

Sun Musings
by Bruce Mitchell

Butterfly Haven Castle
by Bruce Mitchell & Denise Stephani

Biblical Tarot
by Bruce Mitchell

LOTR Tarot
by Bruce Mitchell

Bruce's Open University Modules

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© Bruce Mitchell 2012-Now. All rights reserved.
Page last updated: 30 November 2024.