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Contact Bruce About PWP Links Photo Credits:- Gun Control sign (Brett_Hondow, Pixabay) Not Fake News - Guns Kill sign (bluebudgie, Pixabay) Banana Gun (RyanMcGuire, Pixabay) FFS George Washington (unknown source; fair use, educational) Family Xmas photo (Thomas Massie; fair use, educational) NRA is a terrorist organization (Unknown source; fair use, educational) God-given Right to Guns (Andy Marlette, Pensacola News Journal; fair use, educational) |
Gun Control Quotes International comparisons show a correlation between a country’s level of gun ownership and the number of gun deaths. In the US a gun in the home makes it more, not less likely that a member of the household will be killed with one. The more guns, the more deaths. (Mick North, The Guardian, posted and accessed 26 May 2022) This is your wake up call. Gun violence disproportionately affects children, teenagers and the marginalized in our communities. Honor the victims and demand GUN CONTROL. NOW. Volunteer, stand up, donate, reach out. (Madonna, 26 June 2019 tweet, cited at BBC, posted 27 June 2019, accessed 28 November 2019) The simple fact is, it is too easy to get a gun in this country [USA], and we have far too many of them. Keep in mind that the U.S. has about 4% of the world's population. And yet it also has more than 40% of the world's civilian firearms and more than 30% of the world's public mass shooters - and sophisticated statistical analyses show these two factors are directly related. (Seth Myers, posted and accessed 25 March 2021) We want gun control to be looked at as a public health issue. For smoking and alcohol, these are things that are seen as bad for the community – there are rules on their advertising, health departments are actively involved in countering the messages and limiting lobbying. Why doesn’t this happen with the gun lobby? (Tim Quinn, a Gun Control Australia spokesman, cited at The Guardian, posted and accessed 24 April 2021) An 18 year old can't buy a beer in America but can legally purchase a killing machine. (Heather Gardner, 25 May 2022 tweet excerpt) [Both Buffalo and Uvalde 2022 shooters were 18 with legally acquired guns] The toting of guns by teenagers means that disagreements that in a former day would have led to fistfights can readily lead to shootings instead. (Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence, p.286) Banana guns are unlikely to kill, unless you slip on one and your head collides with the planet
If you overexpose a society or culture to cheap, plentiful food, you'll have an obesity epidemic. If you overexpose a culture to opioids, you're going to have an opioid epidemic. (Van Ingram, executive director for the Kentucky Office of Drug Control Policy, former police officer, cited at BBC, posted and accessed 23 February 2018) [Bruce: The same surely applies to guns? If you flood a society with guns, you get shooting epidemics...] The cold truth is that our political system does not care about dead children; it cares about money. We don’t have gun control for the same reason we don’t have many other things that are plainly necessary and good and that would save many lives, like public healthcare: because not having those things enables a certain group of people to get rich. And that class of rich people funds an even smaller class of politicians, who are tasked with protecting their interests, in exchange for living the nice life of a congressman or governor. (Hamilton Nolan, The Guardian, posted and accessed 27 May 2022) Another school shooting. 3 killed, more injured, hundreds terrorized. Until there are gun laws with teeth in this country [USA] — such as those in Great Britain — our children will continue to be sacrificed on the altar of the 2nd Amendment. (Stephen King, 1 December 2021 tweet) At the end of 2021, US politician Republican Thomas Massie was condemned for a Christmas guns photo [see below]. Days after a US mass shooting, his family are by the Xmas tree, smiling, holding lethal weapons. The tweet asks Santa for ammo. This has been called "gloating evil". This is my take. White man used genocide (Native Americans) and slavery (Africans) to create the nation called USA. It has not built "the last free country on the planet". It has created an evil country founded on extreme violence. It uses money as a tool of violence. It rapes the Earth and consumes voraciously. Violence is a vital tool for survival, but the USA is using violence to perpetuate an evil creation. The vital tool has become vicious control and USA's fatal flaw. Surely it is time for deep socio-cultural change? Instead of more violence? USA's inability to face its brutal past (e.g. the need for reparations and equality, instead of white supremacy, capitalism and hyper-individualism) leads to many crazy things:-
Do you think this photo conveys a healthy family and society?
Spare me the bullshit of mental illness. We’re not an outlier on mental illness, we’re an outlier on firearms. (Senator Chris Murphy of the USA in the wake of the Uvalde 2022 mass shooting, quoted here, posted 24 May 2022, accessed 25 May 2022) The United Kingdom does not have school shootings – and it is not because they are mentally healthy. In America, we are trying to prove that we are the most mentally ill nation on the planet. That argument doesn’t fly well. (Dr Jagdish Khubchandani, public health researcher, University of New Mexico, quoted in The Guardian, posted and accessed 4 July 2022) The Gun Lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American People by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime... The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies – the militia – would be maintained for the defense of the state... The very language of the Second Amendment refutes any argument that it was intended to guarantee every citizen an unfettered right to any kind of weapon he or she desires. (Warren Burger, Supreme Court Chief Justice, 1991; also see Snopes) The NRA is a terrorist organization.
Watch: How the NRA Went From Responsible Gun Organization to Politically-Motivated Liars. Did you know? When Bill Clinton banned assault weapons in 1994 [USA], mass shootings dropped by 43%. After George W. Bush and the GOP let the assault weapons ban expire in 2004, mass shootings increased by 245%. — These numbers tell a story. (Andrea Junker, 25 September 2022 tweet) If guns aren't the problem and people are the problem, then why do you want the problem to have a gun? (Seen on the internet) “There have been armed teachers and armed security in schools since Columbine and not once has it made a difference,” said Elizabeth Boyd Graham, a high school teacher in Houston, Texas. “If more guns made it safer, we’d be the safest country in the world, and we’re not. The states with the weakest gun laws have the highest amount of gun violence.” (The Guardian, posted and accessed 28 May 2022) |
Also see:- Gun Control Violence articles |
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