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Photo Credits:-

Solar Curation Cabin
(Clker-Free-Vector- Images, Pixabay)

Apache Blessing
(Unknown source; fair use, educational)

Rain of Blessings
(sasint, Pixabay)

Family Sun
(Mohamed_hassan, Pixabay)

Lightning Sun
(MateJerry647, Pixabay)

Tribal Sun
(mshanga Pixabay)

Heart-illuminating Sun
(Monsterkoi, Pixabay)

Cave Sunbeam
(othebo, Pixabay)
Solar Invocations, Mantras, Prayers (curated by PWP)

These are especially beloved or often used by the creator of PWP.
The curation may be amended from time to time.

A graphic of a silhouette of a cabin on a mountain plateau. A tree is beside the cabin. The rising or setting sun blazes over the scene.


May the sun bring you new energy by day
May the moon softly restore you by night
May the rain wash away your worries
May the breeze blow new strength into your being
May you walk gently through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life

(Apache blessing)

A young handsome Native American man looks at us with the text of the Apache Blessing to his side.


May all the blessings of Heaven rain down on the Sun, the Universal Community of Light and me for the glory of God.

O.M. Aïvanhov, modified from his spiritual gymnastics)

An  Asian mother and her daughter are in a tropical jungle pool. Their faces show great joy as the rain comes down and the Sun illuminates the scene with soft, bright light. The mother holds a large palm leaf to shield them. The daughter carries what appears to be two wicker containers.


May we have:

A heart as pure as crystal
A mind as radiant as the sun
A soul as vast as the universe
A spirit as powerful as God and one with God.

(Peter Deunov/Beinsa Douno formula)

A sun sets over the sea casting an orange hue to the sky and sea. From a beach, by a giant rock, a silhouetted family of four looks on.


This force, an energy like lightning
Fills me like a living sun

Ojas/Steve McLinn, 'ReEmerging One' lyrics, from the album 'Ojas - Live '82')

Solar-type lightning traces the body of a person, including wings. It makes the person look like an angel.


O Thou who sustainest the whole Universe,
Enter also my/our Hearts so that I/we may do Thy work.

(A version of the Indian solar mantra, the Gāyatrī Mantra)

An illustration of a tribe seated and busy at work, around a fire. A rising or setting sun is splendidly shining behind them, on the horizon, across some body of water.


You, who are the source of all power,
Whose rays illuminate the whole world,
Illuminate also my heart
So that it too can do Your work.

(A version of the Indian solar mantra, the Gāyatrī Mantra)

A sun in the shape of a heart is on the horizon. It illuminates all.


Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
The angels watch me through the night
Until I wake in morning light. Amen.

(Traditional bedtime prayer for children)

Through a hole in a cave's wall, a large shaft of bright morning light has arrived

Also see:-

Solar Culture & Sun articles

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© Bruce Mitchell 2024-Now. All rights reserved.
Page last updated: 3 September 2024.