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Contact Bruce About PWP Links Photo Credits:- Vaccination cartoon (858383, Pixabay) Spray the Earth (Jordan_Singh, Pixabay) Natural Healthy Woman (silviarita, Pixabay) Earth Vaccination (qimono, Pixabay) Water flowing into cupped hands (drfuenteshernandez, Pixabay) Healthy Food (silviarita, Pixabay) Woman rejects vaccination (pixundfertig, Pixabay) 'Madness' scrawled on Berlin Wall (diaan11, Pixabay) Earth in Head-Shawl (Jordan_Singh, Pixabay) |
Vaccination Quotes The best 'vaccination' is to get infected yourself. (Dr Anthony Fauci, C-SPAN, unknown date; one comment is ‘Natural immunity doesn’t sell vaccines’) If the vaccines are effective, then those who get vaccinated should have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated. (Barbara Loe Fisher cited in ‘Vaccine Debate’ article, Mothering #155, July-August 2009, p.46) We all have viruses; polio and millions of others, viruses are the result of disease not the cause, and similarly bacteria are the result of the disease not the cause. Vaccines are a nice idea, (100 years ago), but they are naive, they do not create immunity, they sensitise us, are toxic and are dangerous. (Trevor Gunn, Comparing Natural Immunity with Vaccination, p.41 [first published 2006]) Whether you're exposed to a virus or not there is no such thing as a dangerous virus, just dangerously ill people. All previous attempts to scare and all previous fears of illnesses have never materialized in the manner predicted by those that promote the idea that the disease is determined by the germ; SARS, Bird flu, HIV, Ebola, all illnesses for which we have no effective treatment to destroy the virus and yet these illnesses did not wipe out large sections of the community but merely stayed within a very small section of susceptible people. (Trevor Gunn, Comparing Natural Immunity with Vaccination, p.37) Whether it's renewables or vaccines, everyone wants a tech one-and-done for systemic problems. This way lies collapse (XR Cambridge, 29 June 2022 tweet) The current approach to disease outbreaks is trying to contain them and develop treatments or vaccines, which the scientists say is a “slow and uncertain path”. Instead the root causes must be tackled, including stopping the demolition of forests to produce meat, palm oil, metals and other commodities for richer countries. (The Guardian, posted and accessed 29 October 2020) Governments didn't educate and vaccinate to be nice. They needed the masses to be useful. (Yuval Noah Harari, BBC, posted and accessed 28 April 2017) One study published in the March 2009 Pediatrics, suggests that children who get measles are less likely to have allergies. (‘Vaccine Debate’ article, Mothering #155, July-August 2009, p.46) I would rather use the long-term, tried-and-true ways to prevent epidemics – sanitation, nutrition, hygiene, health-awareness – and save the emergency measures, like mass vaccinations, for true emergencies. (Howard Morningstar, MD, cited in ‘Vaccine Debate’ article, Mothering #155, July-August 2009, p.51) Herd immunity comes from natural circulation of viruses!! NOT VACCINATION! Vaccination is DESTROYING the built up immunity that WAS built through NATURAL CIRCULATION! (Comment by Amanda, posted 5 July 2019, accessed 10 July 2019) Did you know that originally “herd immunity” was applied to populations where more than 65%ish percent of the population had HAD measles? The theory was that that was why outbreaks didn’t happen for extended periods. When they tried to apply that concept to VACCINATION, they originally thought that 70% being vaccinated once should provide the same protection long-term. Only it didn’t. Not even close. To the point where populations with over 95% vaccination rates, with the majority having 1 or more boosters, STILL have outbreaks. In fact, it turns out that there will continue to be outbreaks even if we vaccinate 100% ... of the population because an unknown number of adults will ALWAYS be susceptible. There is a percentage that will NEVER gain “immunity” (by that they mean high levels of measles antibodies, even though it is known that this doesn’t really correspond to immunity) to measles no matter how often they are vaccinated. And then there are the adults whose immunity wanes more quickly than other adults. Each successive booster lasts for less and less time. The adult population is just a ticking time bomb of susceptibility, which is why the majority of measles cases during the Disney outbreak were in adults who had been previously vaccinated and children under 1 who were too young to be vaccinated and NOT in children who were deliberately not vaccinated. The interesting thing is that measles is known to be MUCH harder on those adults and infants than the traditional age range that was susceptible. In other words, we’ve traded a relatively benign illness that worked to “tune-up” immune systems, with one that is far more dangerous, and the proposed “solutions” will only make matters worse, while at the same time helping to induce much more allergy and autoimmune conditions in the general populace. (Comment by ProfessorTMR, posted 29 January 2016, accessed 10 July 2019) Vaccination aims to influence the second part of the immune system [adaptive], creating specific antibodies, but as the first part of the immune system [innate] was not involved and because of other factors (e.g. toxic adjuvants) the natural way of evolution is disrupted. Vaccinations rob the naive immune system of essential learning. In the words of Robert S. Mendelsohn: “We are trading the benefit of a life-long immunity from childhood illnesses, for a life-long suffering of chronic diseases.” (Adapted from PWP) The best way to prevent pandemics and avoid the scale human suffering we are seeing unfold in the world due to coronavirus is not self-isolation, handwashing or facemasks, but the jettisoning of our moribund economic, food and transport systems, and replacing them with structures that put nature and planet first. A world where factory farming and wildlife trade is outlawed. Where economic growth is not pursued at all costs, where our capacity to feed ourselves from one day to the next is in our own hands, rather than those of gigantically polluting multinational corporations. Coronavirus and the ecological crisis are linked symptoms of an unjust and unsustainable global system. Steps we can take to prevent another coronavirus spreading are the same steps we need to take to tackle the ecological emergency: to live more locally, with due respect for our biosphere’s limits and reverence for the precious wild creatures within it. Overall, this virus may be an important signal that human health cannot be treated independently from the health of the natural world; the two are inextricably linked. Human civilisation can protect itself from future shocks and become more resilient by shifting to become more in tune with the natural world it is a part of. Degrowing the global economy, regenerating natural systems and ending the systematic mistreatment of animals are key. (Matt Mellen, EcoHustler, posted 3 March 2020, accessed 16 March 2020) [We might add that vaccination is also not the answer. Rather adapt as outlined above, build strong immune systems, and ensure good sanitation like free clean water.] In order to understand the 'safety' of vaccines you have to know several things, including how a baby's immune system works from birth onwards, and what vaccines do biochemically in the body. That work has never been done. (Hilary Butler) If we highly vaccinate at a very young age and vaccinate while you’re pregnant, it tips the immune system into autoimmunity [your immune system mistakenly attacks your own healthy body] and allergy... Overstimulation of the immune system when they’re very young... triggers neurodevelopmental problems. (Dr Paul Thomas, MD, 4m57s, posted 19 March 2019, accessed 5 May 2020; he is author of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan) But what does it keep to be healthy? Healthy balanced immune system, eat real food, avoid toxins. Vaccines are not helping the picture... So [if you vaccinate] you may get a little bit of increased antibodies against what you’re vaccinating against, but there’s 100s of other diseases. And the highly vaccinated people, their immune system is not as robust and able to fight those other infections. (Dr Paul Thomas, MD, 17m27s, posted 19 March 2019, accessed 5 May 2020; he is author of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan) Excerpts from video ‘The Brilliance of Dr. Suzanne Humphries on The Dangers of Vaccines’ (posted 21 October 2014, accessed 23-26 May 2020):- - There will come a day when all Doctors will understand that vaccination is based on speculation, opinion, and grand assumptions, not real science. When that day comes, more doctors like Dr. Suzanne Humphries will speak out on the dangers of Vaccines. She perfectly sums up the problem with vaccines in a nutshell. Dr Suzanne Humphries, a practicing nephrologist (kidney physician) says the vaccine industry isn't giving people both sides of the story, and parents need to get informed before subjecting their children to vaccines that can potentially cause serious harm or even death. [Video Description] - "My current opinion about vaccinations is that they have never been safe. Never has there been a safe vaccine. Never will there be a safe vaccine. And it is not possible to have a safe vaccine. The reasoning for that is that the actual process of vaccination defies the natural function of the immune system of living beings. It thwarts the immune system into a balance that is very unnatural and that leaves it susceptible to more things than just what you’ve maybe vaccinated supposedly for." [0m5s] - "Vaccination is an attempt to expose the body to a hopefully benign form of the disease, so that the body can respond as if it were infected with the disease, without getting sick - and then can hopefully have memory of that infection for the future, if it is exposed to the actual natural infection. The problem is that:- (a) Vaccines do not come into the body by and large the same way as the natural infection does. For instance, measles is inhaled but the vaccine is injected. That means it has an exposure to the nervous system much more quickly through injection than it would through the normal inhalation and processing of the lymphatic system. [(b)] Also, the vaccines don’t just contain little bits of the bacteria or the virus or an inactivated virus. It also contains other chemicals which the natural disease would not have." [0m39s] - "If indeed it [vaccination] is such a miraculous product, wouldn’t we be noticing how miraculous it is? Are they saying that we’re just too stupid to notice that this is killing people and maiming people?" [4m27s] - "No vaccines increase the health of a population because vaccines do not increase the health of a human. There’s nothing in a vaccine that our bodies actually require. We don’t require aluminium, we don’t require mercury, polysorbate 80, we don’t require formaldehyde – and those are some of the things that are commonly in vaccines. So there’s no nutritive effect of a vaccine. So, I don’t know, I don’t believe that vaccines create health in a population. And I believe that there are always better ways to deal with diseases in a population than vaccinating anybody." [4m48s] - "An infant’s immune system develops slowly. That’s normal. It’s part of the design." [9m] [She goes on to say that it is breastmilk from a well-nourished mother that is the intelligent design of Nature. This copes with diseases, not an ever-expanding vaccination program from babies by scientists who think they know better than Nature.] - "The inventors of vaccines have chosen a belief system whereby infants are all born with inadequate immune systems. And that the only way they can be saved from hepatitis B, rotavirus, etc. – the infant vaccines – that the only way they can be saved from these diseases is getting vaccines into them as quickly as possible, in multiple injections. So why do we need multiple injections? Well, they need multiple injections basically because these vaccines don’t cause the immune response after one injection that would ultimately be desired by vaccine designers. Or maybe not, because each vaccine actually has its own charge that goes with it, amount of money that it’s worth and that is charged for the administration. So, the more vaccines given, the more money generated. But also the fact of the matter is that these young babies have a blunted immune response compared to you or I. And that’s one of the reasons why the aluminum is added to the vaccines, is to stimulate that immune response by pooling aluminum into the muscle and calling forth immune cells to react to it – which is an absolutely unnatural thing. So what happens when babies are given a vaccine is that this normal non-reactivity of the immune system is abolished. And the non-reactivity then becomes hyper-reactivity. And that’s why we’re seeing so much asthma, so much reactive airway disease, allergies to peanuts and so on and so forth, latex. It’s because of these injections that these young children are getting, not only that have the disease matter in them but that have provoked the immune system in an unnatural way – shifting the normal balance of non-reactivity into one of hyper-reactivity." [20m43s] - "Now, when you’re bypassing the normal immune system by putting this disease matter into a muscle, you are stimulating yet another abnormal response at the site of the injection, pooling of all sorts of metals and things that call in the immune cells in this very unnatural way. And the result that these manufacturers or designers of vaccines often look for is simply an antibody, which is one small thing in the cascade of immunity that is so incredibly elegant they probably cannot appreciate. Obviously, don’t appreciate if calling a simple antibody, which is highly unpredictable, immunity. [This is] insanity." [15m52s] We are in the grip of a pandemic [Covid-19] like none other in living memory. While people are pinning their hopes on a vaccine to wipe it out, the fact is most of the infections faced by our ancestors are still with us. (BBC, posted 4 October 2020, accessed 5 October 2020) The world is in an “era of pandemics” and unless the destruction of the natural world is halted they will emerge more often, spread more rapidly, kill more people and affect the global economy with more devastating impact than ever before, according to a report from some of the world’s leading scientists. The emergence of diseases such as Covid-19, bird flu and HIV from animals was entirely driven by the razing of wild places for farming and the trade in wild species, which brought people into contact with the dangerous microbes, the experts said. “The risk of pandemics is increasing rapidly, with more than five new diseases emerging in people every year, any one of which has the potential to become pandemic,” the report says. It estimates there are more than 500,000 unknown viruses in mammals and birds that could infect humans. The current approach to disease outbreaks is trying to contain them and develop treatments or vaccines, which the scientists say is a “slow and uncertain path”. Instead the root causes must be tackled, including stopping the demolition of forests to produce meat, palm oil, metals and other commodities for richer countries. (The Guardian, posted and accessed 29 October 2020) The current narrative [of governments, to prevent further pandemics] is heavily weighted towards health system preparedness, containment, and vaccinations. This presumes the best we can do is prevent a disease from spreading once it emerges. [But] we’ve learned that our salvation comes cheap [by NOT destroying nature now]. The costs of actions [to prevent spillovers from animals to humans] are a fraction of the cost of managing a pandemic once it emerges... If we prevent spillover in the first place, we wouldn’t need the vaccine. (Aaron Bernstein, a doctor at Harvard’s Center for Climate, Health and the Global Environment, cited in The Guardian, posted and accessed 4 June 2021) The WHO announces [related to Covid-19]: "a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable." (Adapted from Prof Jem Bendell 12 January 2022 tweet) [Bruce: For me, this implies that vaccination is an unsustainable and inappropriate health strategy. We need to move from a medicalised health model to one based on nature and natural systems. For example, tribal people will immediately withdraw, i.e. isolate (e.g. see here, here).] Could 'We' Admit 'We' Are The Problem? Have you noticed how some Western middle class folks have been ignoring the experience of a whole continent, Africa, to maintain their view that the corporate pandemic orthodoxy is fine and its opponents are bad? Maybe even racist? Let’s check in on reality. With only about 7% of the population double-jabbed against the [Covid-19] virus, half of African countries have Covid mortality rates lower than 1 in 10,000 people – less than one-twentieth the rate in the USA. Despite evidence from epidemiologists that the virus already spread widely in Africa, this information is dismissed with imperial convenience by people with statements such as “oh they haven't tested that much” or “the deaths might not get registered properly there.” So I will repeat the anti-imperial inconvenience - the virus did not evade Africa and one study in Malawi even found 80 percent national infection and recovery. Ignoring this crucial information on the pandemic from the continent of Africa whilst saying people who challenge the medical orthodoxy are conspiracists, racists, racist sympathisers, or are somehow exhibiting white privilege, is blatant hypocrisy. It is difficult for me not to see it as a purely tactical argument when logic fails their aims. (Adapted from Prof Jem Bendell, LinkedIn, posted and accessed 9 February 2022) I ask you this. Humans have been without vaccinations for millions of years. This was almost entirely pre-civilisation. They have survived very successfully, especially in indigenous lifestyles. Meanwhile, modern humans have had vaccinations for ~200 years and we are rapidly going extinct. Is there a connection? Something about the need to work respectfully with nature? (Bruce Mitchell, 11 August 2022) |
Also see:- Vaccinations Immune System Germ Theory |
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