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Photo Credits:-
Rock of Suffering
(jalandas0, Pixabay)
Starry top of pine (rollingroscoe, Morguefile)
Gate top with stars (mxruben, Morguefile)
If God
exists, why does God
allow pain, suffering, evil?
can a good and all-powerful God allow atrocities, holocausts, genocide,
child abuse and psychopaths? I totally get Stephen
Fry (video posted 28 January 2015, accessed 8
February 2015). Why does God permit so much world
suffering? It feels disgusting.
CS Lewis addresses it in The Problem of Pain.
CG Jung controversially considers God to have an evil side in Answer to Job.
This enquiry is called theodicy.
One part of me looks at life like a video game. If life were a video
game, the players would be unhappy. You can't reload if you die
(reincarnation only allows part of you to reload, even if it is the
real you). Many people have extremely difficult paths and injustice
seems everywhere. It can be so harsh, cruel and difficult. This all
doesn't make for happy gamers. So life seems like a badly designed
video game.
part of me since childhood
has always considered that questions like these are beyond our
understanding. We live in the world of time, whereas in the spiritual
world things like time may well be illusory. God in many ways is pretty
hidden and
unknowable. It is beyond our intellect. We need to rely on our
Aïvanhov says:-
- "Both
good and evil exist. And because evil exists, it means it has a role to
play in
the great cosmic body of the universe. As humans, we don’t
know why it exists.
We can only observe that a higher intelligence makes use of evil by
incorporating it into its plans and so helping beings to evolve. From a
philosophical and metaphysical point of view, the issues raised by
duality are
resolved through unity, which is the very essence of God. But
when it
comes to morality, we must tread cautiously on the path of unity, so as
not to
confuse things the way some so-called spiritual people do. Since they
have read
or heard that there is no such thing as good or bad, pure or impure,
beauty or
ugliness, they launch into dangerous, wild imaginings and claim to be
acting in
all innocence, when they are actually committing crimes. From a moral
point of
view, evil exists."
- "Cosmic
intelligence has not given equal power to good and to evil... The good
Not only does it exist, but with the passage of time we are forced to
that it always ends by being victorious. Never give way to
therefore, on the pretext that you see the ravages of evil in the
world. Evil
wins some battles and you feel threatened by it, that is normal, but
that is no
reason to lose your faith in good... Suppose that nothing but evil
you – which is certainly not the case – you could
still cling to the good that
is in you; you could still strengthen and intensify it. Is this
certainty, this
activity not something which could give meaning to your life, whatever
circumstances?" (Izvor 239 Love Greater Than Faith,
Chapter Seven, pp.124-125)
- "How
many believers ask
why heaven does not intervene to restore order in world affairs! Well,
this shows they are not good psychologists. Without the agreement and
willingness of human beings themselves, what is the use of the
interventions of heaven? People would neither understand nor appreciate
this new order established by heaven and would quickly destroy it. The
desire for change must come from human beings. Yes, if they truly wish
to remedy the state of things and right the misfortune in the world,
because of what they have suffered and the lessons they have learned,
heaven will release other forces, other currents, other energies, and
then true changes will take place. But the impulse must come from human
beings; they must decide together to work in order to obtain the
intervention of cosmic forces. If they do not provide the right
conditions for them to intervene, nothing will happen and the sublime
intelligences will never decide to get mixed up in human affairs."
Whatever the truth is, we are where we are.
mentioned in God, what matters most is how we behave.
Aïvanhov again:
you ask a great Master why evil exists he will not answer you, he will
teach you to look on it as a raw material which you have to mould and
shape in
order that it may collaborate in the manifestation of good." (Izvor
239 Love Greater Than Faith,
Seven, p.129)
My intuition wants to bring the spiritual world of Love and Light to
need to create a world of peace and compassion.
We must Be Love Now.
get busy and cut
the Gordian Knot!
All of us must feel this Force called Love
unifying us Now...
Also see:-
On Suffering
On Evil
Suffering Quotes
Thank You
No Thank You
The Human Catalogue of Evil